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If you’re struggling with bladder leaks, you might assume they’re just an inevitable part of life. But did you know that certain everyday habits could be making incontinence worse? Here are five common culprits—and how you can fix them.

1. Drinking Too Much (or Too Little) Water

Dehydration can make urine more concentrated, irritating your bladder and increasing urgency. On the other hand, drinking too much at once can overwhelm your bladder. The solution? Sip water steadily throughout the day and avoid excessive intake before bedtime.

2. Consuming Bladder-Irritating Foods and Drinks

Caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, and spicy foods can irritate the bladder lining, leading to increased urgency and leaks. Cutting back on these triggers—or eliminating them altogether—can significantly improve bladder control.

3. Poor Posture and Weak Core Muscles

Slouching or having a weak core can put pressure on the bladder, making leaks more likely. Strengthening your core and maintaining good posture can provide better pelvic floor support and reduce incontinence episodes.

4. Holding It for Too Long

Delaying bathroom trips can overstretch the bladder, weakening its ability to contract properly. Instead, try to empty your bladder regularly to maintain its natural function and prevent sudden urgency.

5. Ignoring Pelvic Floor Exercises

Many women assume Kegels don’t work because they don’t see immediate results. But strengthening your pelvic floor takes consistency. Regular targeted exercises, along with the right support, can help reduce leaks and improve bladder control over time.

By making small, intentional changes to your daily routine, you can reduce incontinence symptoms and regain confidence in your body.

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